It is the plantation that I would like to have or at least work at, because of the order, the passion that you can breath, the millimetric planning of all the work, and the objectives outlined. In less words, it is a wonderful job that I would like to imitate. It is the dream of any passionate banana producer come true.
Marcel Laniado
Producer of the Province of El Oro
Hacienda María María is the best banana plantation in Ecuador. It is, without a doubt, the benchmark of sustainable excellency in banana production within the country. Achieving the highest standards of excellence in compliance with the principles of sustainability, environmental health, socio-economic equity and profitability.
Cecilio Jalil
Owner of Asisbane
The banana plantations María María and Doménica are an example of what our banana producers should be, not only in the technical aspect, but also in the social and aesthetic aspect. Quality is combined with the productivity and health of the fruit.