We have implemented policies to eliminate the use of fossil fuels, we protect our land, water and the life that is in it to maintain a firm pact with the environment.

Economic Performance

We are Allies of the “Corporación Nacional de Productores de Banano” (AGROBAN) and referents of banana production at a national level.

We produce an average of 3600 boxes of bananas per hectare in 2016.

We have become leaders in innovation through the avant-garde processes that we have implemented.

Social and Economic Equity

We apply the bonus system that complies with the Law and compensates the efforts of the employees. It is based on the philosophy of more and better. We give the possibility of increasing wages for people who work more efficiently.

We comply with a BSCI protocol, a business orientation initiative aimed at those companies that are committed to social responsibility in their supply chain, regardless of their size, sector or industry. Empowering and protecting the rights of our employees.

Environmental health

We have implemented policies to eliminate the use of fossil fuels based on processes driven by electric energy.

We implemented environmental policies to improve water and land use:

– The impact of water used was minimized the processes and in the use of domestic and residual services through the efficient management of this resource.
– We protect and clean the sediments and waste pollutants of the water tributaries.
– We have maintained and protected the water sources by planting 600 trees and recovering the cane fields.
– Our Plantations project a compensation of the use of the pallets in our business (reforesting), balancing the deforestation by the use of these.
– The Plantations have 8 hectares of protection areas. About 5% of natural protection areas.

We fulfill with the legal regulations that prevent pollution emitted by air fumigations.

Currently we have the Global GAP and Rain Forest certifications.


Responsability, social and environmental, are the elemental basis and reference point of our activity.